Webinar Series on Accessible Publishing and Reading

Learn about supporting students at this challenging time and further accessibility considerations. The series starts April 1, 2020.

The DAISY Consortium and international accessibility leaders will be presenting on a diverse range of topics each week.  As stated on the DAISY website:

You are invited to participate in the live webinar, or afterwards review the recording at your convenience. The system we use (Zoom) is accessible, and both the live sessions and the recordings will have captions available…

Dates and Topics

The following list describes the first four webinars. More weekly sessions will be announced on the Daisy website soon.

April 1, 2020
Helping Higher Ed Students with access to accessible course material during the COVID-19 crisis - "Thanks to the generosity of the publishing community in response to the Coronavirus crisis, campus eReading platforms are providing free access to digital textbooks for students who have been separated from previously purchased physical course materials. Learn how students and instructors in nonprofit, semester-based colleges and universities can use digital reading systems to access the materials that they need to continue learning through the remainder of the term…"
April 8, 2020
Publishers Faceoff to Prove the Accessibility of their title - "Publishers are now being required to demonstrate their accessibility claims. It is no longer acceptable to simply say that your products are accessible without proving it. Eighty percent of Higher Education publications come from five big publishers. With the rise of EPUB 3 as the dominant format in publishing, we can now demand Born Accessible materials from all publishers. Now publishers are making accessibility claims, but what is really inside the cover?…"
April 15, 2020
Create EPUB Publications from Word with a Simple Tool Anyone Can Use - "The publishing and disability communities have in recent years embraced the EPUB format, with "born accessible" digital publications being created globally and enjoyed by consumers using a range of assistive technology. While EPUB has rapidly been adopted by trade, academic, and scholarly publishers, access is also needed to a variety of publications produced by organizations, public institutions and even individuals. In these instances a simple and practical workflow for creating accessible and flexible materials is required.
This webinar will introduce the new WordToEPUB tool from the DAISY Consortium. The free tool, developed with support from Microsoft, is a simple and straightforward method of converting Word documents to valid and accessible EPUB files…"
April 22, 2020
Making Math Accessible, One Step at a Time - "Learn how to support students with learning disabilities by developing number sense, showing work, and teaching concepts in multi-modal formats…"