Ransomware, Cyber Secure Home, IoT

New resources provide information on ransomware and securing home and Internet of Things devices.

Jenny Blaine, Security Analyst with UMN's Twin Cities Office Information Technology (OIT), explained in an August 4, 2020 email to IT@UMN:

You may have heard about Ransomware attacks in the news; including how hospitals and even city governments have paid ransom to recover access to their files. The July 2020 edition of the "OUCH!" newsletter covers Ransomware: how it works and how to protect yourself from it.

In May we shared information about securely working from home. Today, as so many of us are still working, connecting, and learning from home, we still need to pay attention to creating a cyber secure home. The June edition of the "OUCH!" newsletter covers four simple steps to do just that.

A reminder that as more and more devices have Internet connectivity, known as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, keeping the devices updated and secure presents a challenge. IoT devices require additional steps prior to connecting to the network as well as continuous monitoring while connected. For guidance, see two new resources: Securing Internet of Things (IoT) Devices on Campus and Securing Internet of Things (IoT) Devices at Home.

Related Resources: