
An update to Windows 10 computers will be pushed out to campus computers in November.

System wide accessibility checking software is being replaced at end of November. Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) is now available.

A series of short videos provides a fun way to learn core accessibility skills.

Start small. Learn just one new skill and integrate it into your daily routine.

ITSS is considering a procedure and cost change for ongoing application support.

A change in UMD's Active Directory (AD) policy allows users to install software, add printers, and complete other tasks without calling the Help Desk for elevated rights.

Canvas sessions are being offered. Login pages have a new look. And Ed Tech announcements are available via email.

Some faculty and students are trying out a new Learning Management System this year. A recommendation is due in April.

ITSS is pleased to offer 4 web accessibility eClasses this semester. The series begins September 19.

Get the scoop on what's happening in Ed Tech from new scheduled sessions to tech updates.