
Get the scoop on what's happening in Ed Tech from new scheduled sessions to tech updates.

We maintained services for the full 38 hours and learned some things that will help improve our "Op Con" Plan.

A new website provides information and strategies for creating a more inclusive, accessible University community.

The project to migrate users from our Nortel telephone and voicemail systems to our new Avaya Aura systems is proceeding on schedule.

The University of Minnesota is developing plans to upgrade the data networks on all campuses.

Full Access labs are now open around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A change in lab technology is leading to a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) service.

We have increased the number of Chromebooks and made some changes for improved service.

New methods will provide the campus improved products and support.

We have a number of ITSS staff changes for this fall.