
Past rates and fees [ 2023-2024 | 2022-20232021-20222020-2021 | 2019-2020 ]

ITSS Rates for 2024-2025

Audio Visual
  • Equipment Checkout: No charge
  • Maintenance & Repair: $88.00 per hour for professional staff
  • Parts: Billed at cost
Computer Equipment Maintenance & Repair
Consulting/Programming$86.00 per hour
Database Queries$86.00 per hour
Document Imaging Support$86.00 per hour
Electronic File Transferring$86.00 per hour
File Restore from Backup$86.00 per hour
Label Printing$0.60 per sheet of 30 labels
for example: $20.00 per 1000 labels
Network Installation (Add, Move, Change)$110.00 per hour
Systems & Server Labor
  • $115.00 per hour
  • Server Services Managed by ITSS: $230.00 per month
  • Managed Server: $2760.00 annually
Telephone (Add, Move, Change)$110.00 per hour
  • ITSS Sponsored Workshops for faculty and staff: No charge
  • Department Requested Training: Email [email protected] to arrange