ITSS Canvas Demos

Join ITSS Academic Technology for Canvas demonstration session to:

  • Review good practices on using Canvas
  • Learn useful tips inspired by frequently asked questions
  • Reveal newer or hidden features
Join all sessions via Zoom.

May 16 Canvas demos on future semester preparations

Whether you are teaching a summer course or starting to prepare for the fall semester, there are a few things that can help with wrapping up your Canvas site and preparing for future semesters.

May 16 Canvas demo sessions will include topics such as:

  • Creating or importing your content from previous semester (choose appropriate option)
  • Bulk updating due dates and availability dates for assessments
  • Answering your questions on combining/cross-listing course sites if you have any.
  • Discussing good practices that may improve future course sites (such as removing old Zoom links in Canvas)
  • Learning more about New Quizzes

On Thursday, May 16, we will have two identical Demonstration sessions each for 40 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of Q&A.

  • Session Times:
    • 10 to 11 a.m. 
    • 1 to 2 p.m.

April 29 Canvas Demo Sessions

In April the Canvas demonstration sessions will focus on submitting final grades, and getting prepped for future semesters.

  • Final grades
    • Getting grades ready in Canvas and,
    • submitting final grades for Spring 2024
  • Wrap up your Canvas site and prep for future semesters
    • Good practices that may improve future course sites (such as Removing old Zoom links in Canvas)
    • Using Canvas development sites to help with course content building
    • Learn more about New Quizzes

On Monday, April 29, we will have two Demonstration sessions each for 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.

  • Session Times:
    •  9 to 9:45 a.m
    • 1 to 1:45 p.m.

March 26 Canvas Demo Sessions

The March Canvas demonstrations sessions will focus on:

  • Class quizzes vs New quizzes comparison
    • Emphasizing on New quizzes feature review
  • Grading scheme set up,latest multi-select filters
    • Grading scheme (Building and Applying Letter Grade Scales)
  • How do students see and find their feedbacks
    • Including student submission from accessibility perspectives

Demonstrations will be held for 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.

  • Session Times:
    • 10 to 10:45 a.m.
    • 2 to 2:45 p.m.

Recent Previous Sessions

February 2024 Sessions

February Canvas Demo Sessions: focus on new quizzes vs. classic quizzes and a few quiz, assignment and gradebook tips

On February 7, the Canvas demonstrations sessions will focus on:

  • Class quizzes vs New quizzes comparison
  • Canvas quiz/assignment feature tips such as,
    • Moderate a quiz, option to view quiz responses, answers, and results
    • Bulk editing assignment dates
  • Gradebook filters, grading scheme set up

These demonstrations will be held for 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.

  • Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2024
  • Session times:
    • 11 to 11:45 a.m.
    • 2 to 2:45 p.m.