Academic Technology News and Updates
Subscribe to ITSS Academic Technology Announcements to receive timely emails with information about upcoming events, opportunities, and technologies available to UMD educators.
Also, you can Keep up-to-date with the system-wide Teaching with Technology newsletter. Check your inbox to please subscribe to this monthly newsletter which includes:
- need-to-know updates about the Canvas, Zoom, Kaltura, and other learning tools
- strategies for teaching and learning with technology
- tips and tricks on how to use technology tools efficiently and effectively
- engagement and learning opportunities
Workshops, Courses, Clinics and Events
Visit the UMN Teaching Support website to find webinars, workshops, courses, and clinics available to educators across the University of Minnesota system.
Customized events
Plan customized workshops, brown bag lunches, cohorts or other customized learning experiences for your department or college. Contact Karen Jeannette, [email protected] or Adam Brisk [email protected] for more information.