Secure Device Disposal

Data security is a high priority for the University. ITSS staff can assist with the secure recycling, sale or donation of computer equipment.

Secure Data Deletion

Any items recycled at the ITSS TechCenter must be securely wiped and documented before disposal, per the University standard on Media Sanitization. This includes computers and other devices with hard drives (such as printers, copiers and multi-function devices), tapes, CDs, cartridges and other storage and backup media.

  • Hard Drives: ITSS has the tools to securely erase a hard drive from a computer, printer or other device in accordance with University standards. We provide a document that the work was completed. There is a flat fee for this service.
  • Media: ITSS can de-magnetize and/or shred tapes, CDs, DVDs, and others. There is no charge for this service for University items - drop them off at the TechCenter front counter.


Electronic waste (e-waste) contains many heavy metals and other harmful materials. The UMD Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) provides e-waste recycling services for the UMD campus. In coordination with EHSO, ITSS provides a limited e-waste recycle location in the ITSS TechCenter (Kirby Plaza 165) for University computing equipment. 

Units are responsible for following the appropriate University asset management policies (see: Managing University Capital Equipment) for any equipment they recycle.

What e-waste can be recycled at the TechCenter?

The TechCenter e-waste recycling site is intended for University-owned computing equipment only, including:

  • computers
  • printers
  • monitors
  • hard drives
  • media (CDs, DVDs)
  • batteries

What can NOT be recycled at the TechCenter?

Because of limited storage space and University policy, the following items are NOT accepted at the ITSS TechCenter:

  • Personal computers, printers, hard drives, or media
  • Non-computer related e-waste (for example, microwave ovens, TVs, etc.)
  • Construction materials

For these and other items, please contact:

Selling or donating non-capitalized computer equipment

Before selling or donating any computer equipment, be sure you are in compliance with University policy:

For equipment that is leaving the University (for example, sold to a retiree or donated to another school), you must:

  • Remove any Enterprise version of the operating system (ie, Windows 10 Enterprise) (the device may be reloaded with the version that was purchased with it)
  • Remove all University site license software (Office, etc.)
  • Securely delete all private data and/or destroy the hard drive, per the Media Sanitization Standard.

For equipment that is staying within the University (for example, donated or sold to other University departments), you must:

  • Securely delete all private data and reinstall the Enterprise operating system.

The TechCenter can perform these operations at our standard hourly rates, to be billed back to the department.