Install AnyConnect VPN for Apple iOS Devices
Follow the steps below to install the Cisco AnyConnect client on your iPhone, iPad or iPod. The instructions are basically the same for all Apple iOS devices, but they may vary slightly based on the device and the version you are running.
- Install the Cisco AnyConnect client from the Apple App Store. To do this, open the App Store on your device.
- Select "Search".
- In the Search Box, enter "anyconnect" and tap "cisco anyconnect" in the Suggestions list.
- Tap "AnyConnect".
- Install the free app
- Open the installed AnyConnect app.
- Tap "OK". AnyConnect shows the VPN connection status in the AnyConnect home screen.
- Tap "Add VPN Connection" in the AnyConnect home window.
- In the Description Field, enter "UMD vpn".
- In the Server Address field, enter "".
- Tap "Allow" when the "AnyConnect" Would like to Add VPN Configurations alert appears.
Connect to AnyConnect VPN for Apple iOS Devices
Follow the instructions below to connect to the VPN.
- Opened the installed AnyConnect app.
- Select the "UMD vpn" entry.
- Slide the AnyConnect VPN button to "ON".
- Enter your University of Minnesota Internet ID and password.
- "VPN" should now appear next to your Wi-Fi icon at the top of your screen while you are connected.