eClasses: Accessibility 103 Structure

  • Instructor: Laura Carlson
  • Description: In this eClass you will learn how following web standards, especially in terms of creating structured markup using headings makes a document more accessible and inclusive.
  • Outcomes:
    • Understanding of how structural components can make a HTML document more accessible.
    • Ability to use organizing hierarchies and headers to make a web page more accessible.
    • Awareness of HTML5 semantic markup and ARIA landmark roles.
  • Target Audience: The intended audience is UMD web designers, developers, and technology professionals who are concerned with creating HTML that is well structured.
  • Prerequisites:
    • University of Minnesota Duluth faculty, staff or student.
    • Completion of Web Accessibility 102.
    • Basic computer skills. (Ability to use email, access the web etc.)
    • A "Graphical browser" installed (FireFox, Chrome, Mozilla, and/or Microsoft  Edge etc.) on your computer.
    • Ability to save a web page and its images to your local computer because many of the exercises will require you to save sample files to make corrections.
    • Experience in developing and publishing web materials.
    • A web editor.
    • Comfortable with creating web pages and editing HTML files to add or remove elements and attributes.
    • Familiarity with and skills to use a web editor in code view or a text editor to hand code Hypertext Markup Language.
    • Willingness and ability to work with and code HTML markup. Many corrections will need to be completed in html markup.
    • Ability to upload pages to the web. 
    • A web space (ie ~tilde account) where you can post assignments and the skill to do so. The Personal Web Sites page provides information on moving files to the web.
  • Time Commitment: A participant should plan to dedicate approximately four to six hours on this eClass. This will allow enough time to review the course content and readings, participate in online asynchronous discussion, and complete course activities and assignments.
  • Online Course Materials: Structure resources.
  • Completion Certificate: Participants who desire evidence of successful completion of our eClasses may apply for a certificate of completion that will be mailed at the end of the term. Application can be submitted after you successfully complete the class.
  • Special Circumstances: We invite anyone who has a disability or special circumstances that might require adaptation of materials or special/different equipment to inform the instructor(s) ahead of time so that arrangements can be made.
Start DateEnd DateTimeLocationRegister
March 24April 4Any Time (eClasses are asynchronous.)Anywhere (eClasses are conducted via the web.)Register Online