Phone Upgrade Project

ITSS continues our project to move 3700 telephones from our Nortel voice systems to our Avaya Aura systems.

ITSS continues our project to move 3700 telephones from our Nortel voice systems to our Avaya Aura systems.

The goal of this project is have everyone off of our Nortel systems before they go end-of-support in September of 2018. Nearly 600 users were moved to Aura in the past year.

Facilities that have been completed are Coleraine Minerals Research Lab, Natural Resources Research Institute, Glensheen, Cina Hall, Bohannon Hall, A.B.Anderson Hall, and Sports and Health Center.

Facilities to be completed in the near future include Kirby Plaza, Marshall W. Alworth Hall, Humanities, Amsoil Arena, Cloquet Forestry Center, Research Lab Building, Health Services, and the Library.

ITSS staff will be contacting individuals in those buildings with details and timelines in the coming weeks.

Photo: Nortel Phone
Nortel Phone
Photo: Avaya Phone
Avaya Aura Phone