ITSS Staff Update

Sharon Skeen changed positions within ITSS. Chris Pasek recently joined us.

ITSS wholeheartedly welcomes 2 new systems administrators (admins). Chris Pasek and Sharon Skeen are the 2 most recent additions to the ITSS systems team and learning spaces team. They, together with other ITSS systems admins, are committed to maintaining a reliable, secure, and efficient learning, teaching, and business computing infrastructure for the campus.

Sharon Skeen

Sharon moved into the new systems administrator role from our ITSS HelpDesk and Desktop teams. Sharon brings more than 15 years of experience in server management, device management, and infrastructure implementation and deployment. This new role allows her to put her expertise to greater use.

What Sharon Does for ITSS

Sharon's primary responsibilities is in the device management area to make sure our campus users have a high-quality experience.

Sharon's Interests

Sharon enjoys the outdoors and likes to go snowshoeing. She lives near Two Harbors on 20 acres with her husband, son, dog, and lots and lots of trees.

Contact Sharon

Reach Sharon at (218) 726-8857 or [email protected].

Chris Pasek

Chris has more than 24 years of systems administration experience. She focused on enterprise single sign-on systems, multiple phase authentication implementation, as well as background data flow processes. She also brings 11 years of experience in teaching which enables her to understand higher education needs.

What Chris Does for ITSS

Chris' primary duty is to support the application deployment infrastructure for the campus. She leads and coordinates efforts to ensure timely delivery of learning, teaching, and other operational software packages.

Chris' Interests

Outside of work, Chris enjoys spending time with her friends and family. She likes reading books during her leisure time with spy thrillers as her favorite genre. She likes learning new skills and has recently been interested in watercolor painting. Her best day ever was tromping around the snowy woods at the cabin.

Contact Chris

Reach Chris at (218) 726-8854 or [email protected].