Anyone Can Start a Career in Cybersecurity

Discover how a person can enter this fast-paced, highly-dynamic field.

Jenny Blaine, Security Analyst with UMN's Twin Cities Office Information Technology (OIT), explained in an Feburary 21 , 2022 email to IT@UMN:

We read about cybersecurity in the news almost every day as organizations and governments around the world continue to get hit with ransomware, scams, and other cyber attacks. People trained in cybersecurity to help defend against these growing threats are in huge demand: recent studies estimate that there are almost three million cybersecurity job openings globally. If you've ever considered a career as a cybersecurity professional, the February 2022 edition of the "OUCH!" newsletter shares helpful tips on how anyone, regardless of professional background or current skill set, can get started!

For cybersecurity networking on campus (virtually via Zoom), UMN Staff may join the University's Security-People community, which meets every even-numbered month on the second Thursday of the month 9:00-11:00 (content starts at 9:30) and maintains a UMN Slack channel at #security-people.

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